Getting started - Book a demo

An HR mobile app that reflects your image!

Get your free demo!

Find out today how BRIX can dramatically and simply improve communication and engagement with your frontline workers, with a demonstration of the tool tailored to your needs. Please fill in the following fields:

What to expect with this demo

Our primary objective is to meet your needs. We're not looking to do a monologue by presenting you with all our features, but more to listen to you and present you with the features that would be relevant to your reality and challenges.

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Communicate simply

The impact of an employee leaving costs the company over $45,000 (recruitment, training, operational efficiency). Get started today
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Transfer your knowledge

Labor shortages and a large number of workers nearing retirement require effective knowledge transfer. Get started today

Maximize engagement

A disengaged employee costs his company more than $25,000 a year. Get started today

Book your FREE demo now!